Nature green in tooth and paw

The hunter finds his prey, his keen ears having detected the kitchen door opening.

Fleet of foot, he advances on the unsuspecting greens.

Ignoring the high pitched screams of the basil, coriander, carrot tops, mint, watercress and curly kale, he satisfies his terrible hunger.

Sweet peppers are a delicacy traditionally hand fed afterwards as a reward for his prowess.

How can he enjoy nature’s finest bounty, and yet also go gaga over this?

5 grams? You’re joking, right?

(For all I know, he observes me eating my usual

as cold cereal and thinks WTF?)

From what we’ve seen in pet shops and online, some bunnies practically live on nuggets, which were more or less invented to fatten rabbits for slaughter. Too much is a recipe for disaster. He’s allowed them because we figure they have nutrients he might be missing out on, as he can’t forage like his wild cousins. In other words, the nuggets are akin to this

and probably have more vitamins than this,

fortunately not all of which goes down the hatch.

Under his chair, planning the next hunt.

Maybe next time…

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